Top 10 Social Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business in 2023

Top 10 Social Marketing Strategies for 2023

Focus on creating content that is engaging, informative, and relevant to your target audience.
Develop a comprehensive social media marketing strategy that outlines your goals and objectives.

1. Personal Branding 101: Personal branding on social media is important because it allows you to create a unique identity and presence online. People buy and work with people they; KNOW, LIKE & TRUST. Social media allows you the opportunity to build that by pulling back the curtain, letting people in and showing up to provide valuable content for them. Once they know, like and trust you, then it comes down to timing and you don't want them thinking about who to contact - you want them to think of you right away!

Sign up for my group mentorship Social Marketing Superstar
Business consulting also available, please inquire ([email protected]) 

2. Add Affiliate Marketing to your income strategy. Either by creating an Affiliate Program...

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Day 1 of The 30 Day Social Marketing Challenge

social marketer Jul 11, 2022

Welcome the the 30 Day Social Marketing Challenge!

This is an easy actionable challenge that gives you the focus each day to complete tasks that will strengthen your brand, grow your audience and increase your sales!

This challenge is included as part of being a member of Social Marketing Superstar. One of the many bonuses that come from deciding to grow with me! Join now for $21/month!

Day 1: Update Your Profile Photo Across Platforms

Your profile photo is how you present the face of your brand, it's YOU! We know that people buy from people who they know, like and trust and because of this we need to make it easy for people to recognize who you are when they see your content on any platform.

Take action: Update your profile on all social marketing platforms and anywhere else people would see your photo.

Here's a list to get you started:

  • Facebook Personal
  • Facebook Business
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • Tiktok
  • Google
  • Your website (I use Kajabi)
  • Your profile on any affiliate company...
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Affiliate Income 101: My Top Affiliate Programs + What to Look for


Affiliate Marketing could be your next big money maker!

The key:
knowing your audience and bringing solutions to them.

My top Wellness Affiliate Program: The USANA Affiliate Program

USANA Health Sciences

Supplements, skincare, weight management, lifestyle products. They are a 30 year proven company that is the world leader in the highest quality health and wellness products. Truly, a difference you can feel.

The two biggest factors that make this program so incredible is their App + Permanent Customer Payouts! GET STARTED HERE




My top Tech / Tools Affiliate Programs:

Note: I personally USE all of these to run my business.



Kajabi empowers you to create all kinds of content to showcase what you know best, including online courses, coaching programs, podcasts, memberships, and more.

Become a Kajabi Partner and you’ll be paid a 30% lifetime commission for each new member you refer. Stack up...

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5 Entrepreneur MUST-HAVES to Grow Your Income + Your Impact


Hi ambitious souls! 

Thanks for stopping by!

Listen up, I KNOW you WORK HARD, I know you will do whatever it takes to create the success you desire. I know you, because I am you. I bet we are kindred spirits.

Thankfully I learned the essentials for building a sustainable, fulfilling and growing business many years ago. Otherwise, I would have been burnt out and working some job that I settled for, while trying to be an entrepreneur on the side. What I'm about to share with you are the secrets to every level of success and lifestyle you desire!

I'm here to teach you how to earn more, expand your audienceimpact more people AND actually create a life you love! I will support you to amplify your results with the work you're already doing.

These 5 MUST-HAVES are your checklist. If you're not confidently checking off all 5 boxes with a big fat check mark then I want to fill that gap(s) for you asap!

BE A PART OF A MASTERMIND with entrepreneurs...

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