How to Write the Perfect AI Social Media Writing Prompt - Canva Magic Write

canva social marketing Jan 26, 2023

The marketing game sure has changed with AI becoming widely used and celebrated!

Just like any tool, it only works if you use it!

Writing the perfect AI social media writing prompt is the most important task and I don't know about you but my mind is blown!! 

I use Canva's AI tools at the moment and am currently over the moon with Magic Write! I'm sure you're already using Canva, if not get on it ASAP! And GET THE PRO ACCOUNT! The value is insane! p.s here's where you can find endless Canva tutorials!

Here are a few tips and tricks to best prompt AI to support your creation process!

1. Think about the purpose of your content. Are you trying to inform, entertain, or inspire them to take acti? This will help you determine the structure, tone, and message of your writing.

2. Consider who you are writing for. What kind of language should you use? Should you use humor or should you be more professional?

3. Decide what type of format you will use for the writing prompt. Will it be a long-form post or a short post? 

4. Determine the exact language you will use. Be sure to use language that is easy to understand and engaging.

5. Review your writing and make any necessary edits. Check your grammar and punctuation, and make sure your content is is accurate and in your own voice.

By following these tips and using AI writing tools like Canva's Magic Write you'll be savvy in no time!


AI Prompts for Promotional Social Media Posts

Write a promotional social media post based on the content above.

Make promotional social media post for a [product/service].

Write a social media announcement about [product/change/launch].

Write a social media post that generates leads for [product/service].

Write a social media post that drives traffic to [website].

Write a social media post promoting [discount/voucher/promotion].

Create a promotional social media post for an article about [topic].

Write a social media post promoting a [type of event + date].

Write a social media post about [product/service] and include [client pain points].

Describe the impact of using [product/feature] as a [profession/business].

Write X engaging hooks ideas for a social media post about [topic].

Craft a social media post for [product/service] that addresses positive customer emotions.

Finish this paragraph: We are launching [product name] to help you [benefit].

Generate a post announcing the launch of our new product [product name].

Create a post highlighting the unique features of our product [product name].

Make a post showcasing the benefits of using our product [product name] for [specific problem/issue].

Develop a post promoting a limited-time sale or discount for our product [product name].

Create a post to encourage customers to leave a review for our product [product name].

Generate a post to create a sense of urgency for buying our product [product name].

Create a social media post that compares our product [product name] with a similar product on the market.

Develop a social media post that features customer testimonials for our product [product name].

Make a social media post that demonstrates how our product [product name] can be used in real-life situations.

Create a social media post that targets [specific audience] and explains how our product [product name] can help them.

Make a social media post listing the benefits of [product/service] for [customer type].

AI Prompts for Social Media CTAs

Write a call to action for a [product] that gets the reader to [action].

Write a CTA for a [product/service].

Write a [adjective] CTA promoting a [product/service] for [customer type].

Persuade my audience to purchase [product/service] and include the CTA: [your CTA]

Provide X powerful calls to action about [product/service].

AI Prompts for Fun Social Media Posts

Write a funny joke to post on social media about [topic].

Mention a fun fact about [topic] and create a social media post about it.

Write an analogy to explain [topic] and create a social media post about it.

Write a funny social media post about [topic].

Write a riddle about [topic].

Create a social media challenge to encourage people to [activity].

Come up with witty puns about [topic].

Create a social media post recommending [books, movies, podcasts, products, services, etc.].

AI Prompts for Educational Social Media Posts

Mention a little-known fact about [topic].

Write a how-to social media post about [topic].

Write a social media post explaining the importance of [topic].

Explain in a social media post how X works.

Create a short social media post answering: [question]?

Write a tips and tricks social media post about [topic].

Write a social media post based on a statistic about [topic].

Write a social media post discussing a myth about [topic].

Create a social media post that discusses the don’ts of [topic].

Make a social media post about [topic] tips/benefits.

Write a social media review about [product].

Create a social media post about the history of [topic].

List X [industry/profession/practice] challenges to post on [social media platform] for [audience].

Write a social media post comparing [topic] and [topic].

Create a list of pros and cons for [topic].

AI Prompts for Inspirational Social Media Posts

Write an inspirational social media message for [target audience].

Create a social media post sharing a motivational quote about [topic].

Make a post sharing an inspiring success story about [topic].

Write an inspiring social media post about how to overcome [failure/challenge].

AI Prompts for Social Media Holiday Posts

Create a fun social media post celebrating [holiday].

Write a social media post talking about famous [holiday] traditions.

Craft a social media post talking about how [holiday] was created.

Share a list of [holiday] books/movies/songs.

Create a social media post describing a [holiday classic movie] without sharing the name and ask the audience to guess.

Write a social media post about [holiday] must-haves.

Write a caption for a social media post about [holiday] decorations].

Write a heartwarming story for the [holiday] season.

Create a social media promoting a [holiday] promotion.

Write a post about [holiday] recipes.

Create a social media post about unknown [holiday] facts.

Generate social media post ideas about [holiday].

Generate [holiday]-themed social media contests/giveaways/challenges.

Verb Ideas for AI Prompts
Verbs give your command a structure and guide the AI writing tool in the right direction.

Here are some verb ideas to help you craft your AI commands:

Tone of Voice Ideas for AI Prompts

What is your brand’s tone of voice? How do you want to come across to your followers?

Make sure to incorporate this important detail in your AI commands to generate on-brand copy in seconds.

Here are some tone of voice ideas to help you create better AI prompts:


