Adrenal Fatigue - How to Heal

adrenal fatigue Nov 09, 2020

I'm up early doing what I love, helping people feel empowered in their health and their life.

The woman I'm supporting this morning has struggled with adrenal fatigue for years. I'm so happy to support her with a proven healing plan.

I personally have supported over 20 women makeover their adrenals and there's nothing more powerful than a woman who reclaims her health and energy!

Before you continue reading this healing protocol, I want you to wrap your arms around yourself and GIVE YOURSELF A GREAT BIG SQUEEZE!

Adrenal fatigue is the result of a woman giving far too much of herself without loving herself first.

What is Adrenal Fatigue?
Poor nutrition and constant stress over prolonged periods of time can weaken the adrenal glands, deplete the body's hormonal and energy reserves, and weaken the immune system. Adrenal dysfunction, also called “adrenal fatigue,” can disrupt blood sugar metabolism, causing weakness, fatigue, and a feeling of being completely exhausted. This can include brain fatigue as well as physical body fatigue and is often linked to chronic fatigue and thyroid problems. Other symptoms include an inability to lose weight, salt cravings, excessive thirst when drinking plenty of water, and ligament instability. Adrenal fatigue can interfere with normal sleep and cause a person to feel tired even after a full night of sleep. This health condition has different stages from mild and moderate to severe, debilitating fatigue. However, diet and lifestyle changes can help improve symptoms and improve the condition.


Supplement Recommendations

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Specific Dietary Recommendations

Since dehydration is more common in people with adrenal fatigue, drink plenty of water daily. It is recommended that you add ¼ teaspoon of unrefined sea salt per gallon, which may improve electrolyte balance.

Avoid all fruit in the morning. Breakfast should consist of high-quality protein with healthy fats. Enjoy your fruit at lunch or in the evening for best results. This will aid in balancing blood sugar and help to improve sodium-potassium balance in people with this health condition.

Eat low-glycemic meals and snacks to avoid peaks and drops in blood sugar. Be sure to eat some protein and some fat with all meals and snacks to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Vegetables are excellent snacks when combined with nuts, nut butters, avocado or olives.

Avoid all sugars, especially processed sugars such as cookies, cakes, muffins, soda, candy and other sweets. Use small amounts of Xylitol or Stevia as a natural sweetener. Glycine sticks may also be used as a sweetener.

Limit your intake of caffeine, including coffee, soda, tea, hot cocoa and chocolate.
Specific Lifestyle Recommendations

Maintain a bedtime routine and follow the same relaxing activities each night. Be sure your bedroom is quiet and dark. Avoid working or watching television before bed. Strive for restful sleep.

Go to bed and rise in the morning the same time every day, including weekends.
Get an evaluation from a biological dentist to rule out mercury toxicity or problems with past root canals.

Look at your work schedule and daily priorities. Be sure to plan time to relax and take care of yourself. Excessive work or being regularly “over-scheduled” is associated with adrenal fatigue.

Exercise as tolerated and if you choose to exercise, it is better to do it in the morning hours. With adrenal stress, avoid cardiorespiratory/aerobic exercise except for low intensity walking. Light strength training may be beneficial 2-3 days a week.


Specific Mind/Body Recommendations

Adrenal fatigue is a complex problem that occurs when we experience pervasive emotional or physical stress. It takes a toll on the adrenal glands, preventing them from meeting your body's needs.

Chronic stress is a determining factor of adrenal fatigue, as the underlying cause is consistently doing more than what is healthy for us and running ourselves into the ground.

There can be many psychological, mental or emotional components that drive us into adrenal stress. It's highly recommended to seek out professional help to balance our drive and need to meet our goals and determine what is healthy and in balance for us.

A trained mental health professional can show us how past events are influencing our need to excel and do more than what we can sustain in a healthy way.

When we have identified and resolved some of the core issues that drive us into adrenal fatigue, we can then focus more on practices that will help us attain a greater balance and rebuild our adrenal reserves.

Practices like meditation, deep belly breathing, Tai Chi and general relaxation can all be healthy additions.

Practice any of these at least twice a day for 5 to 10 minutes at a time to have a positive effect on your energy levels and your ability to slow down and take care of yourself.


* The information listed is provided for educational purposes only. This should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, nor is this information meant to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider before starting or discontinuing any treatment or supplement regimen. Sanoviv does not accept any responsibility or liability for the use or misuse of the information presented.
